New Theme!

Well, after four and a half years of using the same theme that I launched with, I’ve finally entered the modern era. I present: The New Scotch Noob dot com! It really shouldn’t look too different, as I wanted to keep my basic look-and-feel, but the site has a lot more bells and whistles, and is (finally) mobile device friendly! Pull up on your mobile phone or tablet and you should have a much better experience than before.

New Host, and Updates

Hello all, after suffering through the holiday season with a very slow site, I’ve now finally gotten set up on a new host with better stats and some extra space. I’ve also changed the way I display my shelf: I’m loading up my profile page from Whisky Base, a pretty cool whisky database site. Check …

Ads Again

In an ongoing attempt to make this site pay for itself, I’ve joined a new (more respectable) ad network. Hopefully the impact to my loyal readers will be minimized, but please let me know via the Contact Form or via email at nathan (at) scotchnoob (dot) com if you see any objectionable content in the …

My Scotch Has a Home!

Hello, readers. This is just a quick note to share with you all that my wife and I have successfully purchased our first home in San Jose, CA! As I am now in the process of moving my whisky collection into its new home (priority #1 of course), I won’t be able to post anything …